Today I'm celebrating a #NSV (Non Scale Victory!)
I felt confident enough to rock a midriff shirt yesterday at the Public Enemy concert! I can't believe the results I've had so far from this test group and I can't wait to share the final #'s with you next week... I may actually hit a double digit loss!! (And for real, where did this month go??) And I thought I would be ok wearing wedges until I found out the front of the VIP section was cobblestone. Should have brought some flip flops!! Here are my takeaways so far that you can do with ANY program...
What are you most proud of this week? I want to hear it!!
I also have something BIG I've been working on lately!
I'm testing out a new email system to help you stay as accountable to your health and fitness as possible and I'm looking for some guinea pigs!! Here are the requirements...
At the end, I would love for your honest feedback on content and timing of material and any critique, and I promise I'll throw in some goodies for helping me out! Let me know if you want to take part of this email test group!
If you haven't already, be sure to join my free #ProjectBabe facebook accountability group! There you'll find the support, motivation and guidance you need from some of the most amazing women around. You'll also get exclusive access to my #ProjectBabe printable Life Planner. And as always, be sure to share this with anyone who could benefit from it!
Xoxo Peace, Love, Glitter & F Bombs,
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JulieNavigating perimenopause and unlearning past fads & trends to help you work WITH your body and THRIVE! ✨ Archives
December 2024