Be afraid and do it anyways 🦄
🌈 16 years ago I could have let fear keep me from quitting my "safe and secure" job at General Motors and going back to school for esthetics (while dog grooming for income - and puppies 😍) 🌈 10 years ago it could have kept me from becoming a Beachbody Coach 🌈 7 years ago it could have kept me from getting divorced 🌈 5 years ago it could have kept me from moving out of Buffalo, NY 🌈 1 year ago it could have kept me from going on a Tinder date in Costa Rica 🌈 Last week it could have kept me from going to a conference where I didn't know anyone
A little morning motivation coming at you in 3, 2, 1…. 🤸♀️
1️⃣ Schedule your workouts and put them on your google calendar just like you would any other important appointment 2️⃣ Lay out your workout clothes the night before 3️⃣ Follow a plan - the less you have to think about what to do, the easier it will be to just do it! Want know the truth about Social Selling?
You're already doing it, you just aren't getting paid for it (yet!) That time you… ✔️ posted a pic of your Starbucks cup (don’t even get me started on the red holiday cups or unicorn shakes 😜) ✔️ one word - WORDLE ✔️ shared a pic of your food at a restaurant raved about your new fav pair of jeans or mascara ✔️ shared that Pinterest recipe that your entire family loved ✔️ responded to a friend’s comment when they said “Omg I love your shirt! Where did you get it?” ✔️ gave any sort of advice ✔️ shared another profile’s reel or meme ✔️ shared your workout on social media (OTF & Peloton babes, I’m looking at you!) ✔️ talked about your latest Target run, Trader Joe’s haul, Amazon purchase, etc ✔️ everythingggggg Disney ✔️ geotagged your location while on vacation ✔️ tagged a friend in a giveaway post About 10 years ago the Insanity workout was all the rage. It felt like everyone was doing it and seeing amazing results. 60 days to a completely transformed and shredded body, using nothing but your body weight? Sign me up!
I took my before pics, pulled out the calendar, and went straight to facebook and told EVERYONE. Put your goals out there and you’re more likely to stick to them, right? Within a week I knew I hated every second of every workout, and not long after that I found myself secretly hopping I somehow got injured so I had an excuse to stop. Yes, you read that right. Take it from someone who was born in Canada and spent most of their life in Buffalo, NY…
Summers are wayyyyy too short to be stuck inside working out all day! Let me break it down for you… Lets say you workout at a gym 30 min drive + 1 hr workout x 6 days/wk = 9 hours each week It’s a little better when you do your workouts at home 1 hour workout x 6 days/wk = 6 hours per week But what if you can still get great results, at home, doing 30 min workouts, and only 4 days a week? |
JulieNavigating perimenopause and unlearning past fads & trends to help you work WITH your body and THRIVE! ✨ Archives
December 2024